All things being what they are, even though I managed to bring my dressmaker’s body form back with me from my years in Florida, it’s a shy too small in some areas for Shari. (Let me backup to say at this point, it;s been more than a BIT shy small for me for years.) So, Deb went out on the Internet, did some research and learned that she could create her on body form using Duct Tape.

Yes, you heard that right- Duct tape, Texas Fix-it. What I didn’t know and what you may not know is that: (from Wikipedia)

The first material called “duck tape” was long strips of plain cotton duck cloth used in making shoes stronger, for decoration on clothing, and for wrapping steel cables or electrical conductors to protect them from corrosion or wear.

From there, over time, and for different need requirements, the face of Duck tape changed to what we use all the time and call duct tape.

Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled program…

The body form Shari is styling in the video and following out-take pictures is 3 layers. Technically you could say it’s 4 layers if you want to count the T-Shirt… but to talk just about the taping.  First layer being applied horizontally, second layer was vertically applied and then the third layer was, again, applied horizontally all in short pieces in each layer.

What wasn’t shown in the video is cutting Shari out of it once they were finished. So just to cover that here, it was a process of taking the scissors and cutting straight up the back.

Deb’s plan, now that the body form is made, is to put it over the the commercial body form I brought back and then put stuffing in between.  We’ll let you know how that all works out as we go through the process.

Here are the out-take pictures

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Oh, and if you are wondering why, I, Jennifer Fisher, the video cam girl kept turning the camera sideways, it’s because I was testing out the camcorder Shari gave me and not even sure it was recording all the time. LOL. Think I’ve figured that out now.? Winking smile

Til the next time!

You’re never too young or too old…So…

Live Every Moment,
Love Beyond Words,
Laugh Everyday,
