About Us
Update: November 25, 2022

We lost #2 (middle 1st row), I say Oct 4, her spousal unit says Oct 8th because that is the day he pulled the plug on her. So for legalities sake- October 8, 2019, we lost Deb, the Sweet Pea.
We lost #1 (far right-pic above), Pat, Grandma Pea, July 14, 2022.
Now we are down to 2 Texas sisters, the mother and the children of the sisters.
#3 has (end left) finally started writing on her on site at FromJennifersCloset
#4 Yeah, the one being the brat, that’s the baby QP, Queen Pea, has relocated finally and is gathering together her plan for her new website and our new adventures by the creek.
We thank you for having been a part of our lives and shared in the fun with us.
Peace Out for now~~~~
~Jennifer, #3