I’ve been trying to get my craft room cleaned for some time now, and for those of you who know me well, know clean is a relative term.  ‘Nuff said

I did clear a large enough section of the art table to be able to create a decorative item for the bedroom.  I’m getting ready to paint the bedroom, so this will look great in there with the new color.

Decorated birdcage

This craft is very simple to make; took about 30 minutes from start to finish.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Wire birdcage
  • Assorted flowers
  • Florist’s foam
  • Moss
  • Crafter’s glue (or a glue gun, if you’re proficient with one on florist’s foam)
  • 1 Skewer (a couple of  toothpicks would work, too)
  • Toothpicks
  • Decorative bird

Measure and cut the florist’s foam to fit the bottom of the birdcage.  Cut your flowers to the height you wish for the inside of the cage; you may pre-arrange them on the florist’s foam at this time, if you like and place it in the cage to be sure you have the correct height.

Cut a small piece of florist’s foam to set on the back edge; this will serve as the bird’s perch.  Pour some glue on the bottom of the small piece and place it on the large block of foam.

Push the skewer into the center of the small block until it goes through the large block and reaches the table.  Mark the skewer, then remove it and cut it just slightly below the mark.  Return the skewer to the foam.  This will help hold the two blocks together while the glue dries and provide a sturdy base for your bird.

Remove the flowers and glue moss all over the foam.  I prefer using quick dry crafter’s glue for this since it is less painful than hot glue. However, if you are not as accident prone as I, you might prefer the glue gun method.  Return the flowers to the base.

Place the block in the cage and set the bird on his perch.

Add a ribbon around the top, if you like.

There you have it!  A quick, easy project in 30 minutes or less.  It is going to look great on top of the antique wardrobe in the bedroom, especially once the walls are painted.

Admittedly, I had originally thought about using this as part of the wedding d’cor, but decided I liked the idea of using it at home. The base is not glued down, so it may turn up at the wedding with a different arrangement inside. There’s just no telling with me.

Have a wonderful day!

