Oh Where Oh Where

These gatherings are great for lots of reasons.  One is I get to observe all sorts of things about my sisters that either:

1. I wasn’t around for for 25 years to share in.
2. I never noticed before.

I thought I’d share a few of those observations today.  We’ll be in the kitchen(s) since that is where we hang a lot of the time.  So, come on with me as we explore and learn.

My kitchen is fairly small. I’ve got a limited amount of cabinet space which means there’s a limited amount of stuff to store in addition to limited amount of space I have to store something in or to lose something in.

On the other hand, Deb’s kitchen has probably 4x the amount of cabinet space I have and probably 10x the amount of stuff in her kitchen than I do.

In between Deb and me, is Shari.  She’s probably got 2x the cabinet space I do and probably 4-5x the amount of stuff.

This “stuff” I’m referring to is all the normal things like plates, cups, glasses, bowls, then the cool things like different type cutting boards, various/miscellaneous/extraneous cooking and baking implements and containers…more stuff to lose and at least twice the space to lose it in.

And of course, in Deb’s house, she’s got the high tech Mr. Gadget Guy, so she’s probably got 5 different devices to unscrew caps off bottles, 10 different spatula’s for flipping eggs, wooden spoons in a variety of sizes and shapes, good silverware. plastic silverware, cheap A## forks, chop sticks, a variety of temperature devices, at least 4 different chopper. grinder, processor devices, etc.

Sometimes when I go to Deb’s, I cruise the cabinets and drawers just to see what’s new in kitchen gadgetry. And of course with all those cools spaces to store, and the multitude of things to store, there’s PLENTY of room to lose things in.

On the downside of this fascination I have with checking out my sister’s kitchen stuff, since I’ve been designated as official cleaner up’er, Ive gotten myself in trouble in the past for putting things up where I thought they belonged (meaning it seemed logical to me), but not where they REALLY belonged.

Over time I’ve worked to cure myself of the compulsion to put away the things I wash.  However, the more frequent the visits, the more I get to think I know my way around and start to get a knack for what goes where.

But… that doesn’t mean everything always gets put back where it should. AND in my own defense, I’m not always the only one putting stuff up. AND  I’ve also noticed that I do more and more things without thinking about them (on auto-pilot, so to speak), which I suspect my sisters do too… sooooooooooooooo

All this is leading up to the most recent mystery  Where’s the glass lid for the blue pot. I had to chuckle when I received the email from Shari a few days ago with a “call out.”

I have been unable to find the glass lid to my small blue pot since our last get-together. Do either of you recall putting it away?

Which, by the way, I thought was totally hilarious.  Neither Deb nor Shari let me use too many pots and pans, so I’m not even sure what it looks like, this small blue pot. But evidently Deb used it when she made caramel for the donuts which also means I got to have a lick out of the pot and probably washed it too.

YIKES!/ None of us are just too sure when the lid was last seen.


It’s somewhat critical, I gather, since Clay is home this week. When I spoke with Shari this morning, she said he’s finding it challenging to make his oatmeal without the lid to the [evidently] favorite/perfect oatmeal cooking pot.

Even though both Deb and I had already responded via emails to say we neither one knew where the mysterious, missing lid might be, I confessed this morning on the phone.

I’m obviously a kleptomaniac with a poor memory and brought the lid home as a keepsake to remind me of her.

Have a lid?.. any lid ?glass-lids

Til the next time!

PS: there’s a bigger lesson here. We should be doing these gatherings at my house where there’s little room to lose stuff.

You’re never too young or too old !!  So…

Live Every Moment,
Love Beyond Words,
Laugh Everyday,


The Great Fruit Salad

If you’ve been following along at all you already know that Shari fixes the meal Monday night, Deb fixes something Tuesday and Wednesday night and I do not get to cook !!! unless, of course it’s my one skillet breakfast – which up until this last trip, no one would eat it but me. Not that they didn’t like all the ingredients, they just couldn’t wrap their heads around mixing them all in the same dish ( I guess). I’ve always known that Shari’s boys were not big vegetable eaters. What I officially found out this trip was that, at least during the summer, Shari fixes a fresh fruit salad to fill in the gap for veggies for the boys.

The first night’s salad had no strawberries, which I thought to be interesting, especially since I’ve discovered I can have strawberries in moderation. In all fairness, in the past, everyone has graciously not made a BIG TO DO about Strawberries because I was allergic and now it’s just habit not to think about them when I’m going to be around. However, Shari went out Tuesday, after the emergency trip to the vet with Lefty, and picked up some fresh strawberries just for ME. If you’re old enough, you’ve heard this great snippet from an old advertisement:

“It’s shake and bake and I helped.”

Well, this is fruit salad at Shari’s and I helped. I got to slice the Strawberries. LOL fruitsalad1 Shari had fresh peaches, fresh pineapple, fresh blue and blackberries and the strawberries.  And here’s the finished project: Deb’s Marinated Pork Loin on the grill, fresh sauted spinach, cauliflower-cheese patties, the Samoa donuts, and of course, the fresh fruit salad that I got to help fix. Winking smile



It was all, yum, yum.. Wish you had been there. Til the next time!

You?re never too young or too old…So!!!

Live Every Moment, Love Beyond Words, Laugh Everyday,


Jen – My Part in The Sister Monthly Get Together

If you want to talk about sugar over-intoxication  I experienced it this last week with Deb and Shari while they played with 3 layers of cake and 3 different flavors of Fondant. Frankly after layer two, who could even taste layer three?  LOL

And though the experience of not wanting to consume any more sugar was shocking, even more shocking was to realize what my part is in this big picture of our get together( s ).

Neither Deb nor Shari will openly ask me to cook; however, to play to my strengths, below is a short pictorial of MY PART:

I’m the creator and maintainer of this website 4TexasSisters. Here I was trying to teach them how to select their featured picture along with the more intricate details of our design, which neither of them paid any attention to. The featured picture part, they got, it’s the finer detail of how this all works that glazed their eyes over.


I’m also the official taster – and in some cases the food painting canvas. I actually didn’t make this mess myself.  Shari thought it would be fun to smear chocolate on my face and Deb just happened to be standing there with the camera.

jen-icing choc-beaters
That’s Shari behind that beater & I got her back even though she was a bit more agreeable and prepared than I had been.

I’m also the official “cleaner-up’er”. Deb was pointing out how the “stuff” had stuck to the pan and I might want to let it “soak.”  This is serious business and they are serious about making messes in the kitchen.


And, I keep the table wiped off.


Oh and I guess it might be a good time to mention that Deb had just cut my hair before we got there, so it’s not that I was having a bad hair day It was more like I was having a near-to-no hair day.  (LOL Deb, I love you!!!!! AND appreciate your cutting my hair)

Til the next time!

You?re never too young or too old!! So…

Live Every Moment,
Love Beyond Words,
Laugh Everyday,


For the Love of Pets-It’s a Dog’s Life

I was going through the pictures we had taken on our last get together and came across these that I thought I would share……..

Surprisingly enough these pictures have nothing to do with food with the exception that the participants eat food (dog food, that is). Ok, since I know that the word critics will come back to get me on this one…. the four legged ones eat dog food. The two legged ones don’t.

Actually this first picture is from May.


conehead Here’s Conehead. Poor Dusty, he wore this stylish garb for what seemed like months.

He also snookered me while Shari and the boys were gone to Georgia for Clay’s graduation.

I thought I was supposed to hand feed him since he had to wear the cone all the time and could not get down close enough to his dish to get the food out.
Come to find out, it was ok to take the cone off so he could feed him self.

CALL ME “SUCKER” for a sob story. LOL

I like to look at it as one on one personal bonding. Hand feeding is a great way to build a relationship with a dog.

This month was the first time I had seen him without the CONE in such a long time, I almost thought that Shari had gotten another dog.
You might think that all Shari does is hang in the kitchen making breads, cakes, frozen yogurt and fondant, but that’s not true. She also takes time to play in the yard with Lefty.


IMG_1583 One might note that she obviously HAD been in the kitchen cooking prior to stepping out into the back yard to have a throw-about with Lefty …..


She lives in that apron !!! (hehehe)

Not to be forgotten, if you look hard enough, you’ll see Spirit in this picture. I’m sure Deb will thank me for this one.


There you have it….. The GOOD LIFE as a dog at Shari’s house…….

Til the next time…

You’re never too young or too old  … So ……

Live Every Moment,

    Love Beyond Words,

Laugh Everyday,


My Birthday Letter from Mother

I didn’t really think about this being my 60th birthday, since by my count, I’m only 10 and still too young to date, but I suppose it was a milestone birthday in many ways.

I got the following in a card from Mother and wanted to share it here with everyone….. not that anyone else might care how this special brat baby came into the world ……   It’s the memories that count.

July 12, 2013

My darling daughter, Jennifer.

If I had been on the ball and if you had been born in the spring, fall or winter, we could have thrown you a super-duper happy 60th birthday bash.

Instead, you have a mother who bought you this fantastic card, telling you how wonderful you were and how happy I was to have you as my daughter, only to find, I had stored away “somewhere” with all of this month’s cards I carefully bought last month.

I had bought this crazy (couldn’t resist) one earlier for you when you were down with the “foot/cane” syndrome.  Fortunately, I had stuck it in my waiting for birthdays, etc., file,  so will be content to send it along and otherwise just tell you how much I love and respect  you.

How well I remember your dad and I deciding we could “afford” another baby.  He had gotten a $25/mo or so raise and the time between you and Deb would be just right so without fear we moved on with our “we are going to have another baby” routine.

Your gestation time was uneventful and pleasant until the move to Conroe in early summer when you were due in 2 months.  You even survived my ingesting way too many crabs when we camped out on the Gulf coast beach, happily catching and boiling the crabs, giving away many, but I ate a LOT and soon afterward was allergic to crab for quite awhile.

It was cloudy that day and your dad forgot that sitting around on the beach without his shoes on was likely to cause a sunburn – clouds or not.  Poor thing.  He couldn’t wear his boots for about a week.

Moving along toward your birth date, I had found a wonderful GYN, we made plans within the family how we were going to manage everything while I was in the hospital and soon after return.

Pat, although just 6 was to do the laundry in the garage, and on a stool hang the clothes on the line.  This was her idea, not mine.  There was a very deep drainage ditch not far from the clothes line and I worried that she might fall but all went well and we continued to have clean clothes for awhile.

Your dad was to work in the Texaco office for a few weeks so he could be handy in case something went wrong during the day.

Sunday, July 12, 1953, at almost exactly 6:00 p.m., ok – Daddy, think we might need to move on to the hospital – pains have begun.  Having had Deb very quickly, I was fearful of being too far from the hospital – just in case.

That was a good move.  You were born about 9:15 or so.  You were in a hurry to get into this world and get busy and that you did.

When you were born, doctor commented “this one is going to be different” and so my darling, unique Jennifer had made her entrance into our world.

Unfortunately, despite my telling the doc that I could deliver without anesthetic, he told me he needed it since he had just come up from the morgue where he had viewed the body of his best friend who had been in a truck that hit a horse.

Doc was rattled and was honest enough to tell me so.  He also was honest enough to tell me he had “hit” me in the wrong spot in the first spinal attempt and I was going to have what they called “spinal headaches.”  Did I ever – for almost 3 months.  For quite a few weeks, I couldn’t lift my head off the pillow without blacking out with blinding headaches.

This pushed the family, Dad, 6 year old Pat, 2 ½ year old Deb and me, to make big adjustments.


Pat now was also helping with breakfast and lunch so Dad could spend some time with you during his lunch Jennifer11mo1break.  The elderly lady next door came every day to bathe you.  Pat and Deb handled the bottles and since  you were born at night, you continued to believe that you should be awake   all night and sleep all day.

I couldn’t get up to rock you because of the headaches but Dad would when you cried and you seemed to always be hungry.  I think you were born with hypoglycemia, looking back on it.

I remember one night about midnight, Dad was rocking you, you stopped crying and gave him a big grin. He said -”don’t you grin at me”.

We moved on with your sisters changing diapers during the day, playing with you when you were awake. It was a really good experience for us all. The family unit could survive by pulling together.

That October we moved on to Hempstead. After more months of this crying a good part of the night and sleeping in the daytime, I finally went to the local doctor and said “I need help with this baby’s sleep habits.” He tells me he can fix you in 3 days.

“What”, I asked???

He said when he brought his babies home from the hospital, he gave them a meds to help them sleep through the night for 3 days and after that they would. When I asked why he hadn’t offered that to me before, he commented that parents should suffer a little and laughed – but he was right and you became the happy camper at night and our sweet playful baby in the daytime.

Time marched on. You became your own sweet, cute, fiesty, innovative, unique self that we love so much and are so proud of.

Always know how much I love you.

Have a wonderful birthday. Sorry we can’t have a big bash for such a milestone.

Love, Mother

Thank you Mother, for sharing this.  Oh, and thanks for ingesting way too many crabs…. Perhaps that’s where I get my unnatural love for seafood, crabs included.  LOL

PS:  Thanks for the picture.  Mother says that is me at 11 months old.

Til the next time…

You’re never too young or too old  … So ……

Live Every Moment,

    Love Beyond Words,

Laugh Everyday,


So Easy 6 Ingredient Lemon Coconut Cookies

Deb and I headed back to my house yesterday afternoon and realized we’d be back to our regular ho-hum breakfasts instead of the try ‘3’ Oatmeal dishes Shari had whipped up for us during our 3 of 4 sister get together for March.

I shot a quick email off to Shari asking “what’s for breakfast”, so she shot me back an idea for German Chocolate Oatmeal Bake, which one of us will write and review in another post. The short story… Deb and I whipped it up, tweaked it a bit and really liked it.

After breakfast, while Deb packed and got ready for Dale to come pick her up from here, I went chasing down one of those infamous rabbit holes where you’re looking for something and end up finding something else. That’s how I ended up finding the recipe below.

To give credit to the site I found it on, It was called the:

5 Ingredient Chewy Vanilla Coconut Cookies

I’d bought 3 lemons a few weeks ago and after looking at the ingredients, told Deb “I think this would be good with some lemon zest”. She agreed, so here is what we ended up with. (please note, there’s only one egg in the picture, but 2 in the recipe… go with 2.)


P3280121 2 cup finely shredded medium shredded coconut
1/2 cup almond flour
1/2 cup unpasteurized (raw) honey
2 eggs
2 tsp pure vanilla extract
Pinch of Himalayan Sea Salt (any salt would do I?m sure)
Zest of 1 lemon  plus 1 teaspoon lemon juice (lemon not pictured since it was an after thought)

Now I suppose if you didn’t have a real lemon, you could use lemon extract or even lime. Either would be yummy yummy..

Preheat oven to 350F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and mix until combined.
Use either an 1/8 cup or 1/4 cup of mixture. Sort of round it in the cup, plop it out on your cookie sheet, and press together to flatten it out
Bake for 15-20minute, or until golden. Using the 1/4 cup measure, it made 10 3” cookies. Next time, I’ll probably use the 1/8 cup measuring cup.

Here’s all the ingredients in the “mix” stage.




Out of the oven right at 20 minutes later, they were a bit brown on the bottom
but ummmm ummmm good and chewy



It’s pretty rare for me to actually cook raw honey, but I did!

For a quick yummy, fairly good for you cookie, give them a try and let me know that you think.

And as the French are known for saying:

Bon appétit

Which actually means:  enjoy your meal … LOL

Til the next time…

You’re never too young or too old  … So ……

Live Every Moment,

    Love Beyond Words,

Laugh Everyday,
